Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Selfless Gene by Charles Foster

The Selfless Gene by Charles Foster was not my favorite book of the ones that I've read this year.  It does have an intriguing balance between creationism, God, and evolution.  If you are someone who enjoys science and the study of how the world began, I do recommend that you read this book, as it is well-written and seems to be sound in content.  That said, I found myself struggling to pick it did not grab my attention or keep me coming back for more.  It was a little dry...a little like a textbook.  So, if you are looking for something to use as a resource for a personal study on the beginning of the world, this could be a book well worth picking up.  But if you are not someone who enjoys science and theories, you'll probably want to skip this one.

I received this book free from the Thomas Nelson Publishers "Booksneeze" book review program.  I was under no obligation to provide a positive review.