Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Adventures in BoogaBooga Land - Volume 2 DVD

Adventures in BoogaBooga Land is a children's DVD series with short "episodes" based on different parables.  Marty the Monkey and Gerard the Giraffe are humorous kids characters that help tell the stories.

While the idea is good (having cartoon animals sharing Jesus' Good News with children), I found that the quality is perhaps lacking - it's no Veggie Tales - and the story messages are perhaps a bit hidden.  I'm not sure that children would grasp the meaning behind the stories and may just view this as entertainment.  That is not necessarily a bad thing, but if you are looking for something that will be obviously biblical for your children, this is probably not it.

On a theological level, I wasn't sure about what I was watching.  The majority of it was fine, but the part of the story where they catapult a guest without an invitation ("sinner") to the Island of Losta Soula and have the God-character simply say "Splendid!" caught my attention.  Is God truly happy when he sees one of his children suffer?  I had a few questions rise to the surface as I watched this scene...

My son is only 7 months old, but I'm not sure this dvd will still be around when he is old enough to watch.  It wasn't terrible, but in my opinion, there are better options out there for children's spiritual entertainment.

I received this dvd free from the Thomas Nelson and am under no obligation to provide a positive review.